Building Code Review and Inspections is responsible for the review of all application plans and documents. Building Inspectors and Examiners perform various on-site inspections to verify compliance with the Ontario Building Code and other related standards and bylaws.
These reviews and approvals are meant to ensure that the minimum construction standards established by the Ontario Building Code have been met to protect the health, safety and welfare of both inhabitants and users of buildings.
Electronic Submission Guidelines for Building Permit Application
You can now apply for building permits, check the status of applications, pay fees, and request inspections through our online Portal.
Please note if you are applying for a New Building, Addition or Alteration permit a separate plumbing permit maybe required.
We also accept permit application submissions through the Building Division email which has a maximum file size of 16mb or on a USB drive in person.
USB Drive: applicant can upload all the permit application and related drawings and documentation on a USB drive and submit to the Building Division Department in person.
All documents/reports/drawing must be provided as separate submittals and saved by proper file naming conventions of (application, architectural, plumbing, structural, foundation etc.).
Please note all electronic submissions will be reviewed for completeness. Should any items be missing applicant will receive notification through the Portal or by email. In addition, all application submissions must be accompanied by a payment by either cheque, debit or credit card (Visa or Master Card).
Note: Missing information or payment may delay the processing time.
For further information on electronic submission, please email at Building Division or (365)500-2081.
Avoid the use of characters, symbols, and extra spaces in your filenames. (For example, &, *, {}, <>, _)
Avoid inappropriate language in filenames.
All electronic documents, plans and drawings must be submitted in PDF format, version 7 or not be locked, or password protected.
Plans/Drawings with multiple pages and sets must be combined into a single Electronic Document (PDF format), flattened, and saved as separate submittal.
Drawings and Specifications must be in black and white only. Full-colour renderings and photos may be submitted, but only as supplements to a sufficient set of plans.
The scale and page size of the plans/drawings on the PDF must match the scale and page size of the full-sized plans/drawings on paper.
Documents must be properly labelled.
Electrical / Emergency Lighting / Fire Alarm, Sprinkler and other Fire Safety Systems must be submitted as part of the Building Permit set.
All scanned documents must meet the following requirements:
Plans/drawings must be at a resolution that is easily legible on screen, and the pages must not be skewed.
Scanned resolutions of 1-bit black and white 300 dpi is usually acceptable. For plans/drawings containing fine lines and detail, 600 dpi resolution is required.
Do not reduce the scanned document size.
Scanning documents in full colour is only necessary if it contains photographs.
Yes, they are acceptable, as long as they are scanned at a sufficient resolution (300 dpi in general, 600 dpi where necessary for fine details), and meet all other submission requirements
Unless drawings are manually drafted, scanning should be avoided as quality suffers and the size of the file increases.
For these reasons, it is preferable that the BCIN stamp and signature be incorporated into the electronic drawings. Adobe PDF-creation software can be used to create custom stamps.
The Town of Aurora has established this Code in accordance with the Building Code Act and maintains standards and principles outlined in this code.
Standards of Conduct
Building Officials in exercising their power and performing their duties shall at all times:
Promote public safety and safety of buildings with reference to public health, fire protection, structural sufficiency, barrier-free accessibility, energy conservation and environmental integrity.
Apply the Building Code Act, Building Code and all applicable legislation uniformly and impartially without influence from anyone.
Act only within the category or categories of qualifications obtained under the Building Code Act.
Commit to a continuous education program to keep apprised of developments in the building regulatory framework, building practices and designs.
Conduct themselves in a professional manner with honesty and integrity
Manage confidential and sensitive information in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Report any conflict of interest that may arise in which private interest or personal consideration may affect their judgement in carrying out their roles and responsibilities.
Guidelines for Responding to Allegations of Breaches of the Code
The Building Code Act prescribes that the conduct of the CBO and the Inspectors will be measured against this code. Any allegations of a breach of conduct will be kept confidential.
The CBO will review any allegations of a breach in the Code of Conduct by an inspector. If justified, the CBO will conduct an investigation and recommend disciplinary action, if any, to be taken against the inspector who fails to comply with this code.
Where allegations are made against the CBO, the Chief Administrative Officer shall review and if justified, investigate any allegations and recommend to Council appropriate action.
Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action arising from violations of this Code of Conduct is the responsibility of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and will be based on the severity of the violation in accordance with employment laws and standards.
Projects that do not require a building permit must still comply with the requirements of the Town of Aurora Zoning By-law and if applicable, the Ontario Building Code.
Wooden decks (including pool decks) with no roof, where the finished deck level is not greater than 0.6 metres (2’) above adjacent finished grade either attached for detached to a structure.
Constructing a detached accessory building that has an area of 15 sq. metres or less and contains no plumbing. Note: the location, height, etc. is regulated by the Town’s Zoning By-law.
Erect a fence, other than a pool enclosure fence. Compliance with the Town’s Fence By-law is required. Note: Building permits are required to erect a pool enclosure fence in accordance with the fence By-law.
Open slot wood roof joist with no sheathing or roof covering placed on the narrow edge not closer than 12 inches on centre.
Skylights installed in a single family, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling units, provided no structural members are cut or altered.
Re-cladding with non-combustible material excluding brick or stone veneer.
Re-insulating or adding insulation.
Window or door replacement providing the opening is not enlarged or altered.
Furnace and boiler replacements, add on cooling systems, gas fireplaces, air cleaners and in-line humidifiers installed in single family, semi-detached and townhouse dwelling units. +
Repair or replacement of plumbing fixtures and/or appliances.
Replacement of kitchen and bathroom cupboards without plumbing work.
Re-roofing using similar materials except where structural work is involved.
Finish basements where there are no structural alteration or additional sleeping accommodations proposed. Not all proposed plumbing requires a plumbing permit.
Canopy/storm porch enclosure where the roof is existing, enclosing not more than 5.0 square metres of floor area.
Minor repairs such as installation of chimney caps, chimney linter and repointing of brick work,
Installation of counters, millwork and floor finishing.
Repair of leaking foundations where there is no structural work involved.
Emergency drain repair.
Temporary tents not more than 60 sq. metres in aggregate ground area, not attached to a building and minimum 30 metres from other structures.
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